Download Exports or Productions using SFTP


On Everlaw, you can download files from tasks, such as exports or productions, using SFTP (also called SSH File Transfer Protocol, Secure File Transfer Protocol, or Secure FTP). You can learn more about how to export documents by reading this help article. You can learn more about running productions by reading this help article.

Completed exports can be found under the Batches & Exports column on the homepage. To download to your machine, click the download icon. Two options will appear: direct download and download via SFTP. Clicking direct download will start the download of the export to your machine via your internet browser. 



However, you might want a more stable and reliable method of download than your browser. SFTP is an alternative method for downloading exports and productions.


SFTP is not available in Everlaw GovCloud. To learn more, read this article about Everlaw GovCloud.

What is SFTP?

SFTP or SSH File Transfer Protocol is a secure file transfer protocol. This is a secure process that allows you to transfer files over a “Secure Shell” (SSH) data stream. More simply, it allows you to securely download your files from Everlaw to your local machine via third-party applications. SFTP is secure because it requires an authentication process. The commands, data, and passwords are all encrypted before being sent across the network, meaning your sensitive information is safe while your data is transferred. Everlaw uses SFTP and not FTP because regular FTP does not use encryption while transferring.

Transferring via SFTP

In order to download a file via SFTP, you’ll need to first download an SFTP client. Sections of this article will highlight a few popular clients and provide basic instructions for using them (see SmartFTP, FileZilla, and WinSCP guides).

Many enterprise Managed File Transfer (MFT) software solutions also exist that support the SFTP protocol. A non-exhaustive list of MFT solutions as well as open source SFTP libraries are listed on the SSH corporation’s website.

Everlaw provides this list of clients and instructions solely as a reference, which does not imply affiliation or endorsement by Everlaw of those products. Everlaw is not responsible for the quality, accuracy, availability, performance, or reliability of such third party tools.

On any export card under Batches & Exports, or on any production card within the Share button, you can access download by SFTP. Note that these export cards expire after 28 days. 



If your production or export contains one or more files which were flagged as potentially malicious by Everlaw’s native uploads tool, you will receive a warning message before your download-configuration information is shown.


You can click “continue” to acknowledge the warning and confirm that you wish to download potentially malicious data. If, instead, you do not wish to download this data, you can re-run your production or export, excluding the malicious documents.

To download via SFTP, you will use Everlaw-generated credentials (host, port, and username) within an SFTP client to connect to Amazon’s managed SFTP service. This allows for a secure transfer of data (exports and productions). In addition to those credentials, you will download a “private key,” which serves as a verification method for your connection to the SFTP server. This key is unique to your connection and a new private key is generated for every SFTP download. The private key is associated with a “public key” that is sent to the SFTP server. When you connect to the server, these two keys are used together to authenticate your connection. The private key is active for one week after it is generated.



If a file is partially downloaded and is somehow interrupted, the SFTP client should preserve your partially downloaded file. This means that it’s easy to resume a partial download, should an interruption occur, and makes SFTP downloads a great option for large files. However, note that if you’re resuming the download after the one-week expiration date of your private key, you will need to download a new private key, and enter it into your SFTP client, and resume the download.

SmartFTP instructions

SmartFTP has excellent speed and auto-resume capabilities, but is only available for Windows and costs money for a license.

You can download SmartFTP here (please note that this is an external link and you will be taken away from Everlaw's Knowledge Base): Download SmartFTP

Once you have opened SmartFTP, click the New Connection button in the upper left corner


to get the New Connection dialog:


From the Protocol drop-down menu choose SFTP over SSH:


Next, copy hostname and username into the Host and User fields. Visit the "Transferring via SFTP" section of this article to understand how to obtain hostname and username fields in Everlaw.  This section also describes downloading the private key file to your computer, which will be needed in a later step.


Now click the Properties button to get this dialog:


From the scrolling column on the left, choose Authentication under the SSH heading:


From the Private key drop-down choose Key file:


And then Browse to the key file you downloaded from the Everlaw SFTP site.

Click OK to close the Properties dialog, then OK on the New Connection dialog.  SmartFTP should now automatically authenticate with the SFTP server and should look like this:


Click the file entry (in the example above, “Everlaw”) to start the download.

FileZilla instructions

You can download FileZilla here (please note that this is an external link and you will be taken away from Everlaw's Knowledge Base): Download FileZilla

Once you have opened FileZilla, select the icon that allows you to ‘Open the Site Manager’

After, make sure to change the Protocol to SFTP

Next, copy hostname and username into the Host and User fields on the "General" tab. Visit the "Transferring via SFTP" section of this article to understand how to obtain hostname and username fields in Everlaw. 



You will now need to download the private key file. Once this file is downloaded to you computer, change the ‘Logon Type’ to 'Key file'. Next you will select the browse option and select the key file you just downloaded


Once complete, you can select Connect. Once you have authenticated, you will see a screen like below

The left-hand side represents your machine and the right-hand side represents the AWS SFTP location. You can navigate to the appropriate file location you would like to store your file on the left. Once there, simply drag and drop your file from the right into the new location. A progress bar will appear so you can track the completion of the download.

WinSCP instructions

WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy) is a free and open-source SFTP client for Microsoft Windows.

You can download WinSCP here (please note that this is an external link and you will be taken away from Everlaw's Knowledge Base): Download WinSCP

Once you open the application, choose to create a new site in the left-hand window. Make sure your file protocol lists SFTP

Copy the hostname and password into the username in the appropriate fields. Visit the "Transferring via SFTP" section of this article to understand how to obtain hostname and username fields in Everlaw. 


Download the private key from Everlaw onto your machine. To enter the private key, select the advanced settings dropdown and choose ‘Advanced’.


Navigate to the “Authentication” settings under “SSH” and click on the three dot menu next to the ‘Private key file:’ line.

To select your private key, navigate to the folder containing the file and change the file type to accept ‘All Files’. WinSCP will need to convert your key file to a ppk file. Select your key file and click “Open’.

WinSCP will ask if you would like to convert the key to PuTTY format. Click ‘OK’ and save the file.

Click ‘OK’ to close the advanced window dialog and then click ‘Login’ to complete your connection. Once you are authenticated, you will see a window like the below.

The left-hand side represents your machine and the right-hand side represents the AWS SFTP location. You can navigate to the appropriate file location you would like to store your file on the left. Once there, simply drag and drop your file from the right into the new location. A progress bar will appear so you can track the completion of the download.