To read more about uploading documents on Everlaw, feel free to refer to the articles in our Uploads section.
Q. Where can I find a list of supported file types?
A. Please see this article for a list of supported native file types.
Q. I have issues in my native upload. How can I fix them?
A. Please read this article for more detail on identifying and troubleshooting native upload errors.
Q: How can I ensure that my upload completes as quickly as possible?
A. When submitting files for upload, drag and drop folders or files into the Everlaw browser window rather than selecting “browse.” This optimizes memory-reading speeds. It is also recommended to upload data via a wired ethernet connection rather than a wireless connection if possible. If data is being uploaded from an external hard drive connected to your computer via USB port, it is recommended to use a USB 3.0 compatible device connected to a USB 3.0 port. This type of USB port, also known as a “SuperSpeed USB port," is typically labeled with the letters “SS.” Using USB 3.0 ensures the fastest possible data-transfer speeds when pulling data from your external device.
Q. Why am I unable to upload my documents?
A. One common cause of an upload failure is trying to upload too many files. The uploader will only accept up to fifty files at a time. Google Chrome, Edge, or Firefox web browsers accept an entire folder or series of folders, but you need to zip up the top level folder otherwise. Information on how to zip up (compress) folders is available here for Windows and here for Mac OS X. Please see this support article for more information about preparing native documents for upload.
Another cause of a failed upload could be a bad internet connection. If your internet connection is lost, you will receive an error when uploading your documents. For very large files, you can resume uploading them after the upload fails instead of having to start over. You can test your upload speed here. If it is unusually slow, it is likely that your files will not upload correctly.
Q. How do I access my uploaded files once they've been successfully processed?
A. Once your files have processed, you can find them in the Document Sets column of your homepage. If your project admin has turned upload notifications on and included you on the upload notification recipients list, you will also receive a message in your Message Center with the upload card attached. You can also click on the icon in the center of the upload card on the part highlighted below.
Finally, you can search for the upload on the Search page using the "Uploaded" search term.
To read more about locating uploaded documents on Everlaw, see this help article.
Q. I just uploaded a set of documents containing media files, and the upload card says the documents have been processed. I can’t access the transcripts for all of the files, however. Why is this?
A. Everlaw treats a processing task as “done” as soon as all the files have been sent to the transcription processor. However, despite having received all of the documents, the processor may still be working on transcribing the last few files. All transcripts should be available shortly.
Q: When I view the report from an upload, I see "Source Size" and "Billable Size." Why is there a difference between these two?
A. "Source Size" represents the size of the initial zipped or compressed file that was uploaded. When uploading onto Everlaw, these container files will get unpacked, uncompressed, and unzipped. The uploader will then go ahead and extract all the data from these files along with de-NISTing and deduping, generating images/text for the documents if applicable, and extracting metadata. All this data then gets represented as documents that are tied to each upload. As such, there may be disparities between "Billable Size" and "Source Size" because "Billable Size" will more accurately reflect the size of unpacked local data rather than zipped up data.
Q: Some documents in my upload were flagged as “potentially malicious” during upload. What does this mean? What impacts does this have on review and production, and how can I delete these documents if they are not needed?
A. If a document is flagged as malicious during native processing, this means that Everlaw’s malware detection software has determined that the file matches the signature of a known list of viruses, malicious software, or other dangerous files. Downloading these files or running them on a computer or network can potentially cause severe damage to a system or network, so these files must be handled with utmost caution.
If a file is flagged as malicious and a user attempts to download that file through the review window or by exporting a ZIP of search results, Everlaw will present the user with a warning dialogue listing the Bates numbers of all documents identified as malicious, and will present the option to cancel their download, omit malicious documents from their export, or else confirm that they wish to complete the export while including malicious files in their ZIP.
If a user attempts to produce a malicious file in native format, a major production warning message reading “Potentially malicious native documents” will appear on the “Production warnings” stage. The user may opt to remove the malicious files, or may elect to include them in the production. Whenever a malicious file is produced in native format, the produced versions of malicious file will also be flagged as malicious and will yield identical user-warnings if a user attempts to download or export the file.
To search for and delete malicious files, you can use the uploaded search term to search against a specific dataset (or search against all native datasets). In the flags-selector box of this search term, change “Any flags” to “Flagged malicious.”
This search will return any malicious files uploaded as native data. For a guide on how to delete these documents, see “Deleting documents from the results table.”
Q: What are the file size limits for native uploads?
A: The maximum size of the top level container file is 5 TB. Please note that since Everlaw does not start processing until a container file is completely uploaded, very large uploads will complete faster if broken into several container files, allowing for parallel processing.
The maximum size of an individual PDF is 2 GB. The maximum number of loose files (not in a folder or container file) that can be uploaded at a time is 50, and the maximum number of loose PDFs without a load file is 5000.
Q: In what order are native documents uploaded?
A: The upload is randomized for speed. Smaller documents are grouped into upload tasks and larger documents are grouped into separate tasks and sent to the slower workers to be able to handle separately without slowing down the entire upload. This means that the control numbers appear to be assigned randomly.
When processing documents, Everlaw processes them and provide control numbers in order of folder path. Within folders in a native upload, Everlaw processes in order of which documents that can be processed fastest.