Uploading from Salesforce

Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) platform used by many businesses to support sales, customer service, marketing automation, e-commerce, and analytics. Organizations may also store business critical information, such as emails, contracts, and other documents within their Salesforce environment. 

Everlaw’s Salesforce connector allows your team to upload Salesforce objects and stored documents directly from a Salesforce instance into Everlaw for processing and review. This reduces the time and effort otherwise spent exporting the data locally and preserves meaningful data relationships and context. 

This article covers how to connect to a Salesforce application, how to create an upload from a connected Salesforce application, and recommendations for reviewing the resulting documents.


  • To connect to a Salesforce instance:
    • You must have Organization Admin permissions on your Everlaw project
    • The Salesforce instance must have a Connected App with an available consumer key and secret
  • The Everlaw user performing the upload must have the following permissions: 
    • Delegated permissions for the Salesforce organization in Everlaw
    • Access to a Salesforce account with API permissions.
      Important: Each Salesforce account’s access permissions dictate which specific data can be accessed. Some data may be restricted for certain user accounts.
    • In order to upload files which have been added to records as Content Documents, a type of attachment in Salesforce, users should also have the "Query All Files" permission


The Salesforce connector is not available in Everlaw GovCloud. To learn more, read this article about Everlaw GovCloud.

Create a Connected App in Salesforce

To connect to your Salesforce organization, a user with Everlaw Organization Admin or cloud management access must link Everlaw to their Salesforce instance as a Connected App with OAuth 2.0 Web Server Flow for Web App Integration. This generates the customer key and customer secret that are required when setting up a Salesforce connection in Everlaw. 

Here are a few tips for setting up the connected app:

  • There needs to be a callback URL. The URL is https://live-auth-redirect.everlaw.com/v1/redirect
  • You need to disable the "Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows" setting on the connected app registration
  • The connected app should have these two scopes: 
    • Manage user data via APIs (api)
    •  Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)

Connect to Salesforce organization from Everlaw

To connect to your Salesforce connected app instance from Everlaw: 

  1. Go to your Organization Admin Home page .   
  2. Select  Cloud ManagementSalesforce.
    This opens the Salesforce upload configuration tab.
  3. Select + Add Salesforce organization.

    This opens the Authenticate Salesforce organization dialog.
  4. In the Consumer key field, enter the consumer key you generated from Salesforce. 
  5. In the Consumer secret field, enter the customer secret you generated from Salesforce Consumer Secret have generated from Salesforce 
  6. Select Authenticate.
  7. Follow the prompts to log into Salesforce.

After connecting to Salesforce, you can specify which users may upload documents to Everlaw from the newly added Salesforce organization from the same Cloud Management > Salesforce page. Users uploading from a Salesforce organization must then authenticate with a Salesforce account at upload time and will only be able to upload data accessible by their Salesforce account.

Create a Salesforce upload

To create a Salesforce upload: 

  1. Go to Data Transfer > Uploads.
  2. Select Native. Then select Start upload.
  3. Select Salesforce, located under Collect from cloud application.
    A dropdown lists all Salesforce organizations that your Everlaw account has permission to view.
  4. Select the organization you want to upload from.
  5. Follow the prompts to authenticate with the Salesforce instance you have selected. 


The Salesforce user account must have access to the Salesforce API in order for Everlaw to connect properly.

Once you authenticate with Salesforce, the Upload from Salesforce dialog wizard appears.

  1. Choose one or more Salesforce objects to upload. Common objects are listed at the top followed by any custom objects the organization may have created. 


We recommend only uploading objects you are aware you would like to review, as Salesforce can have many custom objects that are obscured from end users. Attachments to any selected objects are automatically collected.

  1. Select Next to move to the next upload step: Users.
  2. [Optional] Choose Salesforce user(s) to collect data from. Then select Next.
    Alternatively, select Skip to skip this step.
    This moves you to the next upload step: Date Range.
  3. Select a date range filter for the objects, by entering values into the From, To, and Timezone fields.
    For the user and date filters, Everlaw searches any date or user fields in the object for the selected values and collects those objects.
  4. Select Next to move to the next, and final, upload step: Summary.
  5. Review the summary of your selections. Then select Continue.
    To revisit your selections, select Previous.
  6. At this point, your Salesforce configuration has been set, and you are prompted to use the standard native upload wizard to complete your configuration.
    For instructions on using the native upload wizard, visit Upload Native Data to Everlaw — [Step 2]: Dataset details

Once the upload configuration is complete the upload will begin.


You do not need to keep Everlaw open when performing a cloud upload. That restriction only applies to local uploads.

Search for Salesforce data

You can search for Salesforce objects in Everlaw using either of the following search terms:

  • Type: CRM 
  • Application: Salesforce

Review data uploaded from Salesforce

Salesforce objects are collected and turned into PDFs with the following characteristics:

  • The object type is listed in the top-left corner
  • The object name appears just below the type, 
  • Details of the object are listed as fields below that 

Their attachments are collected, processed, and referenced as attachments in Everlaw. Salesforce objects will likely have a number of Linked Document references due to the interconnected nature of Salesforce objects.

Salesforce objects contain many metadata fields. As a result, native Salesforce metadata may need to be promoted to be available, searchable, and visible in the main list of metadata on the Project Settings > Metadata page. To learn more about promoting metadata, contact support@everlaw.com.

Additional metadata about the Salesforce object can be found in the review window by including the source metadata in the view. To do this, select Metadata Type. Then select Source.

Troubleshooting and FAQ

What Salesforce object types can I upload?

All Salesforce object types, including custom object types, can be uploaded to Everlaw.

Why hasn’t my upload completed?

This may be caused by the size of your upload. Uploads above 2 million salesforce objects may not complete due to the amount of data being transferred. Everlaw recommends using the filters in the upload wizard to reduce the number of Salesforce objects uploaded.

If you do not believe this is the cause of your upload issue, or if you receive an error, visit Identifying and Troubleshooting Native Upload Errors for more troubleshooting resources. 

When uploading the account used for authentication must have API enabled permission in Salesforce and will be restricted to the account’s access permissions.

Why are my uploaded records missing certain fields that are present in Salesforce?

If documents generated from Salesforce records are missing certain fields that are present in Salesforce, verify that the user who performed the upload has permission in Salesforce to view those fields, as Everlaw can only upload content from fields visible to the uploading user.

Why am I unable to find a supported or custom Salesforce object in the list of uploadable objects?

If you are unable to find either a custom Salesforce object or a standard object that Everlaw supports uploading in the list of Salesforce objects in the upload wizard, verify that the user performing the upload has permission in Salesforce to view those Salesforce objects, as Everlaw can only upload content from Salesforce objects visible to the uploading user.