To access Everlaw, a reviewer or admin must be a user on a project. This article describes:
- How to add users to projects
- How to remove users from projects without losing their data
Table of Contents
Note: Everlaw staff do not directly grant users access to projects for security reasons. If you are a user seeking to be added to a project, please contact a project administrator.
Add Users
Required permissions: Project Admin or Organization Admin
You can add new users to a project from the Project Settings page. You can add users by typing their emails, or upload a CSV with their information already filled out.
If you use the CSV, you can specify different permission levels for each. If you type in their email addresses, all the users are added to the same permission group.
When you add a user using an email address that already has an Everlaw account, they are added as users on the project immediately. If the email address does not already have a registered Everlaw account, the user receives an invitation to join the project. The invitation is good for 30 days.
Add users using by typing their email addresses
To add users by typing their email address:
Select Project Management
> Project Settings and navigate to the Users tab.
- Click + Add Users.
- Enter one email per line
Select the permission group you'd like the users to have on this project. If you are a Database Administrator, you can also grant database permissions. All users listed will be added to the same groups.
- Select Continue.
- A dialog will ask you to confirm the users you want to add. If the email addresses are correct, select Add users. Otherwise, select Cancel to go back.
Add users by uploading a CSV
You can also add users by uploading a CSV containing their user information. First you should download the CSV template available in the Add users dialog or linked at the bottom of this article and fill it out with the user information.
Your CSV should have these five columns, separated by commas:
- User Groups (with multiple groups separated by semicolons)
- First Name (optional)
- Last Name (optional)
Database Permissions (Admin, Upload, and/or Delete)
- Note: if you do not want the user to have database permissions, you must leave this cell blank. Any terms entered that are not listed above will result in an error.
When you're ready to add the users:
Select Project Management
> Project Settings and navigate to the Users tab.
- Click + Add Users.
- Click Select file and choose your CSV.
- Select Continue.
A dialog will ask you to confirm the information in your CSV. If it's correct, select Import Users. If it's not correct, select Cancel.
- If the CSV if not formatted correctly, you will see an error message, with the errored column in red
- If the CSV if not formatted correctly, you will see an error message, with the errored column in red
Users Page
The Users page shows a list of all the users in the project and as the group(s) the user belongs to, as well as pending invitations for users who have not yet created accounts.
Users can be in multiple permission groups. In that case, their permissions in the project are determined by the most permissive permission level allowed among all the groups they are part of. For example, one group may be given permission to code documents and another does not; if a user is in both groups, they will be able to code documents in the project.
- To remove a user from the project, click the "X" icon next to their name.
- To add a user to a group, hover over the group they are in and click the gear
. Select the groups to add them to and hit "Enter" on your keyboard.
- To remove a user from a particular group, click the gear
, then click the "x" associated with the group label for the user.
You can export a list of Project users, their emails, title, user group, and permissions to a CSV by clicking Export. An Organization Admin must enable the User Information Export setting in Organization Security Settings for Project Admins to export the list of users. Otherwise, the Export button will be grayed out.
Remove users
To remove a user, click the X next to their name.
You can choose whether ownership of the the removed user’s objects is shared with other users when they are removed from the project.
To share ownership:
- When you click the X, a dialog box allows you to preserve ownership of these objects by sharing them with other users on the project.
- Select Share this user's objects with other users before removing
Choose which objects you want to share. By default, all are selected.The options are:
- Assignment groups
- Search term reports
- Binders
- Stories
- Depositions
- Drafts
- Prediction models
- Note that in ECA projects, only binders are available to be shared
- Homepage folders cannot be preserved upon transfer
- Choose who to share the objects with. You can select a permissions group(s) or individuals.
- When you're done, select Next.
On the next page, confirm that the information is correct. If it is, select Remove user and share. Otherwise, select Previous to go back to the previous page.
If there are objects to be shared from the removed user that conflict with current project level permissions, any users or groups and the permissions that they are lacking will be shown here.
- Share all objects with selected recipients anyway: the objects owned by the removed user will be shared to the recipients. Other objects of that type will continue to be inaccessible to the user based on their project permission levels. For example, any predictive coding models owned by the removed user will be shared to the designated recipients, but any other predictive coding models on the project will not be sahred.
- Only share objects that selected recipients have permission to receive: each user/group only receives permission to objects that they can already receive. If the objects are shared with both the Reviewers and Administrators groups, and Reviewers have “None“ permissions and Administrators have “Admin” permissions on prediction models in Project Settings, prediction models will only be shared with members of the Administrators group and not with the Reviewers group. If no selected user has permission on one of the objects, the object will not be shared.
If there are objects to be shared from the removed user that conflict with current project level permissions, any users or groups and the permissions that they are lacking will be shown here.
Objects and review work (such as notes, codes, and redactions) created by the user will be retained, regardless of your choice to share. Any users with existing access to this user's objects will retain access.
If you do not want to share ownership of this user's objects:
- Select Do not share this user's objects with other users before removing.
- Click Next.
- Confirm the removal by selecting the red button that says Remove user only. A notification for the removal and a new task card on the Home Page will appear.
- Any data received by a removed user will be represented as cards on the homepage. Cards transferred upon removal of a user appear in the Shared with me view. The initials represent the user from who the data was transferred, not the Project Admin who transferred the data.
- If you remove a user from a project, review window layouts created by that user remain and are ownerless, but are still accessible to anyone they were previously shared with. Project admins can view and delete these layouts. If a user is removed directly from an organization, layouts ‘owned’ by that user remain and are ownerless. To learn more about removing users from an organization, view the Organization Admin dashboard article.
- If you decide to add the user that you removed, their objects (including homepage folders) and ownership over them will be restored.
Notifications sent when a user is removed from a project or user group
Users affected the the removal of a user are notified:
- When a Project Administrator removes a user from any user group via the Project Settings page, the user receives an email notification informing them that their permissions have changed.
- When a user is removed from a project entirely, they are notified that they have been removed from all user groups of which they were previously a member.
- If the objects owned by a user are shared with any other users, each recipient receivse a notification providing the name of the removed user, the name of the project, and a summary of any objects shared. These notifications cannot be disabled.