Productions in Everlaw
Everlaw's production tools let you generate a production at any time. You can use these tools to:
- Create and save an unlimited number of production protocols in your project
- Perform pre-production QA
- Produce documents with a specified protocol
- Modify productions after they have been created
Productions are packaged as a ZIP file that can be shared with opposing counsel. Produced documents are also immediately available in your project.
The details and specifications for a production (e.g. what formats to produce? which metadata fields to include?) are often negotiated at the beginning of a case. If you have questions about negotiating a production protocol, please reach out to your account representative or
This article is a broad overview of how to produce on Everlaw, with links to additional resources. You can use it to get familiar with the overall process of producing documents on Everlaw, and get some tips to make your production process smooth.
Getting started
Required permissions: Admin permissions on Productions, which allows you to create, modify, download, and share productions from the Productions page. To learn more about permissions, you can read this article about user groups and permissions.
For other best tips for pre-production workflows, such as setting up production codes, check out our pre-production workflow guide.
Step 1 of 3: Create a production protocol
The first step to produce on Everlaw is to create a production protocol. A production protocol specifies both the rules for a production and the documents included in the production.
Everlaw strongly recommends that you create a protocol as soon as you know what the agreed upon settings are, as opposed to when you need to run your first production.
To create a new production protocol or to access an existing one, go to Data Transfer> Productions. You can use an Everlaw-provided template to create a protocol, or create your own. You can store any number of protocols for future use, allowing you to reuse previously created protocols.
To learn more about creating a production protocol in Everlaw, please refer to the article Productions 1 of 3: Creating a Production Protocol. If you have questions about creating a protocol, adding custom fields, or non-standard production requests, please reach out to
Step 2 of 3: Pre-production quality assurance (QA)
Once you have created a production protocol, Everlaw automatically runs checks for common production errors for you based on the documents you aim to produce, as well as the protocol settings.
Throughout your review, you can check in on this periodically to see whether Everlaw has detected any potential review errors that you can resolve ahead of your production date.
For more information about this step, you can read Productions 2 of 3: Performing Pre-Production QA on Everlaw.
Step 3 of 3: Initiate and monitor productions
Once you have addressed or acknowledged review issues, you can start a production. Documents produced on Everlaw are full documents, as specified in your production protocol.
When the production has finished, you can view its production card on the Productions page. You can use this card to:
- View details of the production
- Modify your production configuration
- Download and share the production with external parties
- Clawback or unprivilege documents.
To learn more, you can refer to Productions 3 of 3: Initiating and Monitoring productions.
Additional Resources
Here are other help articles that you may want to refer to while producing on Everlaw.
- Pre-production Workflows and Best Practices: tips when preparing documents for productions
- Production Modification tools: how to clawback or unprivilege produced documents on Everlaw
- Sharing Productions and Production Access Logs: how to share productions to the opposing counsel and track access activity
- Production Notifications: how to get notified when productions are completed
- Everlaw Australia Production Options: how to use Productions to achieve AU-specific workflows
- Production FAQ: for answers to common questions of our productions tool
You can also refer to our Training Center for additional training materials, or reach out to Everlaw Support at