Corporate Essentials Workflows

Table of Contents

This short article is designed to help Corporate Essentials users like you quickly identify  the information most relevant to your workflows. We recommend beginning your learning with the articles listed below, but additional articles not listed still apply to Corporate Essentials databases and may still contain information useful to these workflows. Once you’ve mastered the basics, feel free to explore and/or search our Knowledge Base for additional information. 

Corporate Essentials users are also encouraged to sign up for Everlaw training here. To leave feedback on the workflows covered in this article, please email us at

Creating databases

Before creating any databases in Everlaw, it is important to understand the distinction between projects and databases. You can learn about the connection between databases and projects in this article.

To create a database, you must have organization administrator permissions on your project. You can create new databases from the Organization Administration page, accessible by clicking the “O” icon in the toolbar.


To create a new database in Everlaw as an org admin, follow the instructions in this article.

When creating a new database, you will need to decide whether you want an Early Case Assessment database or a regular review database. Review databases offer full Everlaw functionality in all associated projects, while ECA databases contain both a limited-functionality ECA project and at least one full-functionality review project. ECA projects have a limited feature set that is targeted specifically toward the ECA stage of a matter. To learn more about ECA databases, please visit this article.

To learn more about the available settings and administrative actions at the database level, please visit this article on Database Administration and Permissions or visit the Database Administration section of the Knowledge Base.

You may also want to create different projects within the database and change default project settings. The next section addresses project administration.

Setting up and adding users to projects

After creating a database, you will need to add users to the default project.

If you have created a regular review database, learn about adding and removing users here. For more information, including creating user groups, whitelisting locations, restricting certain sensitive documents, and more, visit the Project Administration section of the Knowledge Base.

If you have created an ECA database, learn about ECA database and project administration in this section of the ECA article.

Creating legal holds

Everlaw’s legal holds tool allows you to create and send hold notifications, schedule automatic renotification and escalation notices, track custodian acknowledgement, and connect holds and custodians to documents uploaded to the platform. 

Legal holds in Everlaw must be associated with the particular database in which custodian data would be uploaded.

You can send as many legal holds to as many custodians as you like with no limits. Learn more about creating legal holds in detail in this article.


Uploading native data

To upload native data to Everlaw, navigate to the Data Transfer icon in the toolbar and select the Uploads option. There, you will be prompted to identify that the data being uploaded is Native, or in its original format. Everlaw’s cloud-processing system will automatically process native files, including conducting de-NISTing, deduping, and generating text, metadata, and images for your documents

Since legal holds are already associated with databases, you will be able to associate your data with a particular custodian’s legal hold upon upload.


To learn more about native uploads on Everlaw, please visit this Introduction to Uploads article and this Native Uploads FAQ. More information about Uploads is also available in this support section.

Exploring and reviewing your data

Everlaw has many tools to leverage when reviewing large amounts of data quickly. You can find a short explanation of each tool and linked articles with additional information on how to use each tool below.


Clustering is a fantastic tool to utilize when you have a large dataset and aren’t familiar with the data. Without any user input, Everlaw’s clustering tool automatically groups documents by conceptual similarity. Using Clustering is a great way to start learning about your data quickly right when an investigation begins.


Data Visualizer

Data Visualizer is a great tool to help you build an understanding of your data right when an investigation begins. Everlaw automatically generates dozens of helpful visualizations about your data, including overviews of Doc Type, Date Sent, Parties, and more, or you can use the tool to build your own. Explore documents at a glance without the need to review individual documents or predetermine a search.


Search Term Reports

Once you have a bit more context about your data, such as keywords you’d like to run searches on, you can create Search Term Reports. With Search Term Reports you can run multiple content and/or metadata searches simultaneously, providing your team with  high-level information about the number of documents that are returned on any of the included searches.


Searching through your data

Once you’re ready to begin running in-depth searches, access Everlaw’s powerful visual search tool by selecting the magnifying glass icon in the toolbar. Everlaw’s search interface features an intuitive, visual drag-and-drop mechanism for building queries.
